Appendix E: Format Examples Here are examples of actual reference entries and how they can be output (to the Bibliography Window or a file) by designing different formats. References are preceded by letters; formats are preceded by numbers. To make the examples easier to follow, keywords and abstracts are not included in the reference information, and blank fields are not listed. Where appropriate, a space is represented by an underline. These examples should help you in creating your own formats. Examine them carefully to learn how the formatting works. The Show Example button with the Format is also extremely useful. Before formatting large amounts of data, you should click on this button to see what your formatted output will look like. You have the ability to create a wide variety of formats in Bookends. We suggest you experiment with the formats before formatting large numbers of references. It is very important that data be entered consistently in your references. If you place a period after a field in some references, but leave it out in others, your formatted output may not be consistent. Reference A: Creating an indented listing. Often, you will want to generate a bibliography where the numbers line up on the left and the text lines up to the right of the number: 1. Poole, Lon. “Five Mid-Range Hard Disks.” MacWorld 5 (July 1988) : 94-101. 2. Bayles, Michael, and Bayles, Melanie. “Publishing with Word.” MacWorld 5 (July 1988) : 128-133. To do this, you need to insert a TAB in the beginning of the Format Order. Enter the TAB by typing ^I (both characters) or clicking on the TAB button (don’t press the TAB key):   Next, Copy and Paste or export the references to your word processor, highlight the bibliography, and then set the rulers as shown below: MacWrite II:   Microsoft Word 4 or 5:   WordPerfect 3:   Reference B: AUTHORS: Fitzgibbon, GM Burton, JR Leach, AJ TITLE: Tax deductions and your personal computer–5 ways to save money JOURNAL: Home Finance VOLUME: 57 PAGES: 1070-4 DATE: 1978 LOCATION: Home TYPE: j Format 1: First Authors: Surname First Subsequent Authors: Surname Last Initials Only: Checked Punct. After Initial: ._ Punct. Between Authors: ,_ Separate last authors with: ,_and_ Name: Sample1 Type: j Order: $Authors: $a^M$Title: $t. yields: Authors: Fitzgibbon, G. M., J. R. Burton, and A. J. Leach Title: Tax deductions and your personal computer–5 ways to save money. Format 2: First Author: Surname Last Subsequent Authors: Surname Last Initials Only: Checked Punct. After Initial: blank Punct. between authors: _ Separate last authors with: ,_ Name: Sample2 Type: j Order: “t.” $By $a. $In $j (d) $Pages: $p-. yields: “Tax deductions and your personal computer–5 ways to save money.” By GM Fitzgibbon JR Burton, AJ Leach. In Home Finance (1978) Pages: 1070-4. Reference C: AUTHORS: Collins, Glenn TITLE: Single Father Survey Finds Adjustment a Problem JOURNAL: Daily Tribune VOLUME: late ed. PAGES: B17 DATE: 21 Nov. 1983 LOCATION: Royal Oak, MI Type: n (Note, here the type is for newspaper articles) Format 3: First Authors: Surname First Subsequent Authors: Surname Last Initials Only: Unchecked Punct. between Authors: ,_ Separate last authors with: and_ Name: Sample MLA Type: n Order: a. t j [l] d, v : p. yields: Collins, Glenn. Single Father Survey Finds Adjustment a Problem Daily Tribune [Royal Oak, MI] 21 Nov. 1983, late ed. : B17. Format 4: First Authors: Surname Last Subsequent Authors: Surname Last Initials Only: Checked Punct. After initials: . Punct. between Authors: ,_ Separate last authors with: and_ Name: Sample Type: N Order: t. a. (j [l]) $on $d. yields: Single Father Survey Finds Adjustment a Problem. G. Collins. (Daily Tribune [Royal Oak, MI]) on 21 Nov. 1983. Reference D: AUTHORS: Tarkington, Justin Metriere, Jean-Claude Hudson, John R TITLE: The effects of low dose radiation on stem cell maturation in 2 week old chicks JOURNAL: J Exp Sci VOLUME: 44 PAGES: 87-95 DATE: 1974 PUBLISHER: Harper & Row EDITORS: Smith, JB Joseph, RL LOCATION: Office Type: b Format 5 First Author: Surname Last Subsequent Authors: Surname Last Initials Only: Unchecked Separate authors with: ,_ Punct. between Authors: _&_ Name: Sample 4 Order: a, t. $In $j. $Ed. by $e. u, (d). yields: Justin Tarkington, Jean-Claude Metriere & John R Hudson, The effect of low dose radiation on stem cell maturation in 2 week old chicks. In J Exp Sci. Ed. by JB Smith & RL Joseph. Harper & Row, (1974). Format 6 First Author: Surname First Subsequent Authors: Surname Last Initials Only: Checked Punct. after initials: . Separate authors with: ,_ Punct. between Authors: _and_ Name: Sample 4 Order: “t.” $By $a (e, $editor+). From $j. yields: “The effect of low dose radiation on stem cell maturation in 2 week old chicks.” By Tarkington, J., J.C. Metriere and J.R. Hudson (J.B. Smith, and R.L. Joseph, editors). From J Exp Sci.